Prof. Di Fulvio gave two oral presentations at the INMM 65th Annual Meeting on “Efficient On-Board Image Reconstruction Algorithms for a High-Density-Channel Imager” and “Fast and Accurate Identification of TRISO-Fueled Pebbles Based on X-Ray CT”, respectively.
Ming Receives Prestigious Award from IEEE NPSS
Ming was awarded the 2024 NPSS Glenn F. Knoll Graduate Educational Grant, which is the most prestigious award to students (submitted before he graduated) in radiation measurements given by the IEEE Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society. This award recognizes outstanding graduate students in the field of nuclear science instrumentation, medical instrumentation, or instrumentation for security applications.
Ming Passed PhD Final Exam
Congratulations to Ming for successfully defending his PhD thesis! Ming’s thesis project focuses on developing advanced methods for the tracking and tagging of TRIstructural ISOtropic (TRISO) fuel pebbles in pebble bed reactors (PBRs), under the guidance of Prof. Di Fulvio. Read more.
Prof. Di Fulvio and Jianxin presenting at the 2023 ANS Winter Conference and Expo
Kholod presents at the 2023 NSS MIC RTSD conference
NML student Kholod Mahmoud presented her work on enhancing Positron Emission Tomography using the positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy technique at the 2023 NSS MIC RTSD conference.
Prof. Di Fulvio Promoted to Associate Professor
Prof. Angela Di Fulvio has been promoted to Associate Professor. Congratulations, Angela! Read more here.
Jianxin Passes PhD Preliminary Exam
Congratulations to NML student Jianxin Zhou, who has just passed his prelim and becomes a PhD Candidate! His thesis project is on “Machine-learning Models and Shielding Materials for Radiation Protection of Patients and Personnel in Particle Therapy”.
John attended the International Nuclear Data and Analytical Techniques (INDAT) Summer School
NML student John Leland attended the International Nuclear Data and Analytical Techniques (INDAT) Summer School cohosted by UC Berkeley and UC Davis. This program consists of lectures and hands-on activities involving nuclear detection, analysis techniques, and aspects of the nuclear data pipeline, from measurement and modeling to compilation and evaluation.
John and Jacob presenting at the 2023 UPR Meeting
NML students John Leland and Jacob Fritchie presented their work at the 2023 UPR Meeting.
Jacob and Ming presented at the INMM&ESARDA 2023 Joint Annual Meeting
Jacob presented his work on experimental characterization of silicon photomultipliers, and Ming presented the work on the assay of spent TRISO fuel using a neutron multiplicity counter with gamma sensitivity of 10-12.