A new course developed by Prof. Di Fulvio: Advanced Radiological Laboratory.
This laboratory course focuses on current radiation detection methods that exploit modern physics concepts and are applied in radiological science research. Download the course syllabus.
The course is offered at an undergraduate level at 2 credit-hour (CU) and at a graduate level at 4 CU. Additional requirements for 4 CU: additional simulation-based project on radiation sources, detection or shielding performed and submitted by each student.
Lab Schedule
Students will complete at least eight of the following laboratory sessions. Each experimental demonstration is expected to be completed in two laboratory sessions, on average. Students will be given general guidance and the needed hardware and data acquisition software to complete the experiments, as well as recommended instrument settings. They will develop the needed post-processing software to analyze the raw data and answer questions related to the specific physics phenomena in the lab report.
- Lab 1 Positron-Electron Annihilation and Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy
- Lab 2 Time-of-flight spectroscopy and organic scintillation detector characterization through neutron scattering based experiments (DTL)
- Lab 3 Neutron Spectroscopy Through Foil Activation (DTL)
- Lab 4 Compton scattering kinematics, Klein-Nishina differential cross section
- Lab 5 Fission Reaction and Fragment Energy Loss Measurements from 252Cf
- Lab 6 Standoff Gamma-ray and Neutron Imaging
- Lab 7 Neutron Multiplicity Counting
- Lab 8 Single-photon detection and silicon photomultipliers
- Lab 9 Raman Spectroscopy
- Lab 10 Atomic Force Microscopy