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- Multi-Mode Imaging for TRISO-fueled Pebble Identification (sponsored by the DOE)
- Positronium Annihilation Lifetime Tomography
- High-Fidelity Radiation Detection and Light Readout Models based on Scintillators and Silicon Photomultipliers (sponsored by Sandia National Lab)
- Acoustic Contrast Agents Sensitive to Ionizing Radiation (sponsored by the NRC)
- Statistical Methods and Machine Learning for Quantitative Radiation Imaging and Characterization of Special Nuclear Material (sponsored by the NNSA)
- Point-cloud segmentation for radiation therapy (sponsored by the JUMP-ARCHES)
- Radiation damage in geopolymer composites (sponsored by CERL)
- Licensing of Micro Modular Nuclear Reactor for Siting at UIUC (sponsored by UltraSafe Nuclear Corporation)